"I love women with fat arms..
be sure to write to Margaret on Hello Kitty stationary Margaret and that guy who likes fat arms be sure to write to Margaret on Hello Kitty stationary
..and you have the fattest arms I have ever seen."

I enjoy comedy very much. I like to laugh and make others laugh. Margaret Cho makes me laugh like no one else (and is quite a role model with an amazing high school GPA that even makes the dean smile).

I decided in honor of her 30th birthday (December 5, 1998) I would errect a fair tribute to the mighty Margaret Cho as I had not happened upon any fan sites of hers.

There are a few Asian celebrity sites that have small stats on her, a few articles online, but I didn't come across any full scale attack.

In Margaret's bits I find a lot of things I can identify with. I think she even feels the same way about origami that I do. Margaret's first routines that gained her fame tapped into her own ethnicity for laughs. To some, they enjoyed it for "stereotype Asian" jokes. (Being Asian in America, you might encounter some who may say things that lead you to believe they're really fashion conscious or just plain racist. But being Asian in America isn't all down as it does have advantages; you can pretend to not know English whenever you don't want to speak to someone.)

For me, the attraction to Margaret's comedic stylings was simply because no other comedian on television had the same woes as my brother and I, and as my mother can tell you, I watched a lot of comic shows. ("You watch all comic shows. It's not funny. You laugh but it's not funny. I don't know why you watch all comic shows.") The woes include: Mother yelling, "Kiiids! Wake up! Let's go Mongomery Wald!" and incredibly long answering machine messages. We love you Margaret!!!

Here's a tip from Margaret that I have applied many times in my life.

Margaret grew up in San Francisco and she knows the city well. Here is her tourist travel thought.

A tip that will help more across the country is what Margaret has noticed about the chain restaurant Hooters. Hooters is great because women would never go to a restaurant named "Balls".

Then of course there's the advice vital for every straight woman, straight men never want to go shopping. If your boyfriend does like to go shopping then you must face that you don't have a boyfriend, you have a girlfriend.

no straight man has a six pack

Are you there Margaret?

Well if you are, don't worry, there are no fake quotes here.

Can you hear the mandolin?